
Is Licence And Tags Required For All Animals In Hardin County Tennessee

Positive CWD and High-adventure CWD Counties

Positive CWD county: a county with a confirmed case of CWD.

High-risk CWD county: a canton with a confirmed case of CWD within 10 miles of the canton border.

Deer carcass transportation and wildlife feeding restrictions apply to positive CWD and high-risk CWD counties. Therefore, if a new county becomes positive or high-risk (based on CWD test results) these restrictions will automatically apply. Visit for the most up-to-date map of positive and high-risk CWD counties. All other regulations (e.g., deer hunting unit, season dates, handbag limits, etc.) remain the same unless changed past TWRA.

Carcass Transport Restrictions

Simply approved parts (see graphic to the right) may be moved out of positive or high-chance CWD counties.

  • Deer carcasses can motility from 1 loftier-risk CWD county to some other loftier-risk CWD county. Deer carcasses can motility from a high-take chances CWD county to a positive CWD county. Once brought into a positive CWD county, deer carcasses originating from a high-risk CWD county cannot be moved to another high-risk CWD canton.
  • A deer carcass cannot be moved exterior of positive CWD counties but tin can move from one positive CWD county to another adjacent positive CWD county.
  • Approved parts are free to be transported anywhere statewide.

Feeding Restrictions

Within positive CWD counties and high-risk CWD counties, the placement of grain, common salt products, minerals, and other consumable natural and manufactured products is prohibited.

Feeding restrictions do not utilize if the feed or minerals are:

  • placed within one hundred (100) feet of any residence or occupied building; or
  • placed in such a mode to reasonably exclude access past deer; or
  • placed as part of a wild hog management effort authorized past the agency; or
  • present solely as a effect of normal agricultural practices, normal woods management practices, or crop and wildlife food production practices.
Chronic Wasting Disease in Tennessee map

In that location are restrictions on moving whole or field-dressed deer carcasses. The post-obit approved parts may move freely throughout the state and out of the country:

  • Antlers (including ones attached to clean skull plates)
  • De-boned meat / Cleaned skulls and skull plates
  • Hides & Tanned products / Finished Taxidermy
  • Teeth (free of meat and tissues)

The 2021-2022 deer hunting season volition mark the third full deer hunting season since the discovery of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in southwest Tennessee. We may never know how or when CWD was introduced into Tennessee, even so, it is clear that CWD is endemic in Fayette and Hardeman counties. Furthermore, the affliction will always be present there at some level. TWRA remains committed to preventing the spread of CWD throughout Tennessee and striving to decrease the prevalence of the disease where information technology is known to exist.

The Disease At A Glance

CWD is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy found in deer, caribou, elk, and moose. It was showtime recognized as a syndrome affecting mule deer by researchers in Colorado in the late 1960s. It was non until the early on 1980s that CWD was identified as an infectious abnormal protein chosen a prion.

Prions, the unique infectious agent that causes CWD, are a claiming to manage for many reasons, including:

  • Prions are not living organisms.
  • Prions are extremely difficult to destroy (both in the trunk and outside of the body).
  • Prions tin can exist found all throughout the body and in most tissues, fluids, and excretions.
  • Prions accumulate in the highest amount in the brain and spinal cord which leads to the symptoms seen in sick animals.
  • One time infected, animals may non brainstorm to evidence clinical signs for up to 18 months.
  • Once an infected animal begins to bear witness signs of CWD, they may alive for many months.
  • Although prions do not reproduce outside of a living host, they may remain infectious indefinitely once in the surround.
  • Direct and indirect transmission occurs.
  • Prion infections are ever fatal: mortality rate is 100%.
  • No vaccines or treatment for prion infectionscurrently be.
  • There are no known cases of CWD in humans.

Surveillance and Monitoring Efforts 2018-2021

Since 2018, TWRA has implemented a robust and far-reaching surveillance programme designed to detect new CWD infections across the state and to monitor changes in prevalence where the disease is already found. These goals were only met because of the continued support of hunters and industry partners.

TWRA has tested over 38,000 free-ranging white-tailed deer and elk through the statewide surveillance program. Surveillance goals were successfully met in every Tennessee canton over the concluding three years. Over 1,300 deer take tested positive for CWD, with all of them existence located in southwest Tennessee.

To appointment, CWD has been detected in eight counties (Chester, Fayette, Hardeman, Haywood, Lauderdale, Madison, Shelby, and Tipton). 4 additional counties (Crockett, Gibson, Henderson, and McNairy) accept been classified every bit high risk due to the detection of CWD within 10 miles of the county line.

Nigh samples are collected during hunting season as part of a massive statewide effort, but samples are also nerveless from route-kills and from sick and dying animals throughout the year. Samples are collected through a network of voluntary hunter submissions, assistance from taxidermists and processors, and TWRA-sponsored check stations.

After the 2020-2021 deer hunting season, Fayette County had the highest county-broad prevalence of CWD at thirteen.7% and Hardeman County had the next highest at ix.two%. Both Fayette County and Hardeman County have seen increases in prevalence since 2018. Inside these two high-prevalence counties, the disease is not distributed evenly, and the prevalence substantially represents an average for the county. Roughly lx% of the known positive deer come from an area centered on the southern half of the Fayette-Hardeman county line. CWD prevalence is college in and around this core area than in other parts of these counties. A much lower percentage of deer that are harvested from other areas of Fayette and Hardeman counties test positive for CWD. The remaining counties where CWD has been detected all accept prevalence below 1% and range from 0.58% (Shelby) to 0.12% (Lauderdale).

Although it may seem as if the disease has spread speedily across southwest Tennessee, the reality is the disease was likely there for many years before existence detected. It has taken three years of surveillance to fully understand the extent of the affected surface area, but we now believe nosotros have identified the electric current, distribution of CWD in Tennessee.

It is critical that we swiftly and effectively employ our direction. If left unchecked, the disease may yet continue to spread by the known range in Tennessee.

CWD Management in Tennessee

Best management practices for CWD involve a multipronged approach to not only prevent the spread between individual animals and amongst different deer groups (i.east., reducing the geographic spread and prevalence), merely also to address the environmental persistence of prions as a source of infection. At this fourth dimension, there are no applied means of removing, inactivating, or mitigating prions in the surroundings, which leaves the focus of management on limiting deer interactions and homo assisted movement of prions.

Much similar managing wild deer populations, CWD direction is only successful as a collaborative try between the Agency and its stakeholders ( thousand. hunters, landowners, etc.). It is a balancing act betwixt coming together disease management objectives and maintaining a viable and sustainable population. Current programs are aimed at increasing hunter participation through increased bag limits and harvest opportunities, engaging landowners in active CWD management, focusing additional removal of deer around confirmed positives in low prevalence areas, and conducting annual aerial surveys to monitor the effects of CWD on population levels. In addition, regulations help prevent the spread of prions past humans. Current CWD-specific regulations restrict the movement of alive deer in the state, restrict the motility of infected carcasses outside of known CWD endemic areas, and prohibit practices that concentrate deer.

Future of CWD in Tennessee

The long-term impacts of CWD on deer populations in Tennessee are currently unknown. Other states battling CWD have documented deer population declines above 40% in locations where the disease is present. Other states accept seen a shift in the age structure—meaning they no longer see older deer. These outcomes are neither desirable, nor consequent with managing for long-term, healthy, and sustainable deer populations. TWRA is committed to preventing these undesirable outcomes.

TWRA is actively pursuing collaborations for research projects to better the detection of CWD in field settings. One such project is using dogs every bit biosensors (i.e., detectors) of agile infection in wild animals. Additionally, research is being developed to meliorate understand the part environmental deposits of prions play in the natural disease transmission cycle.

TWRA is committed to learning more than about CWD disease dynamics through illness surveillance and monitoring programs. TWRA needs agile input from our stakeholders, and strives to provide them with the most up-to-appointment developments. CWD management programs in Tennessee are constantly beingness refined in response to new inquiry and irresolute conditions across the landscape. TWRA is currently developing a long-term CWD Management Strategic Programme to provide a framework for prevention, surveillance, monitoring, management, and enquiry activities.

CWD management is non a i-human being band. It is a partnership between TWRA, partners,, hunters, landowners, and yous. Your engagement and support is needed. Please, harvest more deer in Unit of measurement CWD. Bide by carcass transportation and feeding restrictions in CWD-positive and loftier-chance counties. Read all of the CWD content in this hunting guide and at Seek out credible sources, and understand the newest scientific information on CWD management. Sign-upwardly for email updates at Together we tin can conserve a healthy deer population for the benefit of nowadays and future generations.

The brusque reply is an increased harvest will result in fewer deer in Unit CWD, resulting in less frequent deer interactions where disease transfer can occur.

TWRA's goal is to keep CWD from spreading and to go on the number of infected deer to a minimum, reducing infection rates where possible. Hunter harvest is the only feasible style to attain thisat a big scale.

Presently, an increment in both buck and doe harvest is needed in Unit CWD. Bucks are the most likely to spread this illness to new areas since they have larger home ranges than females and testing results show they are twice as likely to have CWD. Increased doe harvest volition decrease local deer densities and lower transmission inside family unit groups.

Fayette and Hardeman counties are the most heavily impacted. High illness rates at that place point the surround is a source of infection in addition to brute-to-animal contact. Left unchecked, infection rates will go on to grow, causing a population turn down and a younger overall deer population.

Population reduction is besides needed in the remaining Unit CWD counties which are either positive with relatively depression infection rates or are not yet positive but CWD has been detected within ten miles of the county border. Fewer sick deer will assist lower the likelihood that CWD will go along to expand within Tennessee. Adherence to regulations, including feeding and carcass transportation, is also a critical way people tin can help TWRA manage this disease.

Hunter harvest is the primary ways to best manage CWD in Tennessee, especially at the large geographical scale at which the illness is known to exist in Tennessee.

If we are responsive equally hunters and harvest more deer, we will continue to enjoy an overall healthy deer population. But if we don't, CWD will do its dirty work, leaving us and futurity generations with a generally diseased, unhealthy deer population in the CWD area. Furthermore, the disease will spread more apace potentially affecting new areas of the land and the likelihood of harvested deer being CWD-positive will increment.


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