
Will Prazipro Work If You Dont Remove Purigen Fro Filter

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Prazipro - Do I Need To Remove Purigen In The Tank?


  • #1
Just wanted to ensure before I dose PraziPro

Thanks . I'm sorry every bit I know I posted likewise much lately



  • Thread Starter
  • #three
Take you use PraziPro before ? HikarI customer asked me not to use Prime number with h2o change but it ( the bottle ) does request me to practice large water change before dosing with PraziPro !!

I already added Prime with my big h2o change , then added the medicine ! Sigh


  • #four
Have you utilise PraziPro before ? HikarI customer asked me not to use Prime with water change but it ( the bottle ) does request me to practise large water alter before dosing with PraziPro !!

I already added Prime number with my big water alter , and and then added the medicine ! Sigh

What are you trying to treat with Prazi?


  • Thread Starter
  • #5
Internal parasites I suspect .. due to long transparant poop from my newly bought goldfish


  • #six
Internal parasites I suspect .. due to long transparant poop from my newly bought goldfish
Oh nooooo! Sorry to hear that. I am having terrible issues myself. I doubtable internal and external or both. I'm non really quite certain. I have went into my lfs seeking assistance, they kinda recommended mardel coppersafe. Another lfs said to not use that and then I called mardel to see what they said. They recommended prazI soaked nutrient for internal spreading that info to y'all, in addition to putting in the water, soak some flakes and feed it to them. I was doing that with API general cure pulverisation until the prazipro came. I also ordered some praziquantel food from peabodys. Cant tell nonetheless if it's working. I just got the prazipro in the mail today..I suppose I will look until morning to practise a big change and treat.


  • #7
Have y'all use PraziPro earlier ? HikarI customer asked me non to use Prime with h2o alter simply it ( the canteen ) does request me to do big h2o change before dosing with PraziPro !!

I already added Prime number with my large h2o modify , and and then added the medicine ! Sigh

I used it many years ago and so switched to majority powdered praziquantel dissolved in, IIRC, ethanol. Then I switched to gel foods and only composite the powder in. That was the easiest.

I only added it to the tank and did null special. No water changes before or subsequently. I also don't employ carbon or Purigen or anything that could maybe blot it.

Prime might inhibit praziquantel and so I would wait a few days after dosing Prime.

Don't forget to utilize something like fenbendazole for nematodes. Praziquantel but works on cestodes and trematodes. Fenbendazole is fairly prophylactic and constructive but has to exist administered in food.


  • Thread Starter
  • #8
Oh nooooo! Sorry to hear that. I am having terrible issues myself. I suspect internal and external or both. I'm not really quite certain. I have went into my lfs seeking help, they kinda recommended mardel coppersafe. Another lfs said to not use that so I called mardel to see what they said. They recommended prazI soaked food for internal parasites...then spreading that info to you, in addition to putting in the water, soak some flakes and feed it to them. I was doing that with API general cure pulverisation until the prazipro came. I as well ordered some praziquantel food from peabodys. Cant tell yet if it'south working. I just got the prazipro in the mail today..I suppose I will expect until morning to do a big change and treat.
I emailed HikarI , the visitor who makes PeaziPro. they asked Not to mix PraziPro in food

Ok cracking ! My already cycled tank has 0.25 ammonia subsequently dosing PraziPro v hrs later . I have stable 0/0/5 for weeks already and at present this ...

so far fish still has transparent poop


  • #9
I emailed HikarI , the company who makes PeaziPro. they asked Not to mix PraziPro in food
Awesome, thanks for letting me know! And so much information out there, It's then difficult to figure out exactly what to do sometimes. What else did they say?
Ok corking ! My already cycled tank has 0.25 ammonia afterward dosing PraziPro 5 hrs later . I have stable 0/0/v for weeks already and now this ...

and then far fish still has transparent poop

Ohhh noooo! That's definitely not good! I've read it'southward non supposed to mess with the benign bacteria?!


  • Thread Starter
  • #10
Awesome, cheers for letting me know! So much data out at that place, It'south so hard to figure out exactly what to practise sometimes. What else did they say?
Mod edit: images removed for copyright issues


  • #11
I emailed HikarI , the company who makes PeaziPro. they asked NOT to mix PraziPro in food

That may be specific to PraziPro. Praziquantel isn't water soluble and so an emulsifier or solubilizer or whatnot is needed for bathroom treatments. Information technology can be put into food without it.

Applied Fish Pharmacology mentions both oral and bath treatments every bit practice many studies.


  • Thread Starter
  • #12
Ohhh noooo! That'southward definitely not good! I've read it's not supposed to mess with the benign bacteria?!
That's something I worried about the about other than the health of the fish

I'thousand but hoping ammonia volition get dorsum to 0 tmr.


  • #13
Ok slap-up ! My already cycled tank has 0.25 ammonia after dosing PraziPro 5 hrs later . I have stable 0/0/5 for weeks already and now this ...

and so far fish nevertheless has transparent poop

Don't y'all think the ammonia is from your tap (which I believe you do have based on your other thread) esp since you just did the big water change? I doubt PraziPro would mess with your cycle. I've dosed information technology after a water change with no issues.


  • Thread Starter
  • #14
That may be specific to PraziPro. Praziquantel isn't water soluble so an emulsifier or solubilizer or whatnot is needed for bath treatments. Information technology can be put into food without it.

Applied Fish Pharmacology mentions both oral and bathroom treatments equally practise many studies.

Yes the customer service referred to PraziPro
Don't you think the ammonia is from your tap (which I believe you do have from your other thread) esp since yous just did the big h2o alter? I doubt PraziPro would mess with your bicycle. I've dosed it later a h2o change with no bug.
Yes but the ammonia in my tap water commonly got dorsum to 0 within iii hours
Don't you call back the ammonia is from your tap (which I believe you do take based on your other thread) esp since yous only did the big water change? I dubiety PraziPro would mess with your cycle. I've dosed it after a water change with no issues.
Did u dose Prime with your water modify earlier u dosed PraziPro?


  • #fifteen
I wouldn't worry virtually it at all. It should become candy within 24 hours and yous have Prime to detox it anyway.

Edit: I always dose Prime with each water change.


  • #16
Why isn't prime number compatible? What water conditioner can you use?


  • #17
Ok smashing ! My already cycled tank has 0.25 ammonia after dosing PraziPro v hrs later . I have stable 0/0/v for weeks already and at present this ...

and so far fish still has transparent poop

Praziquantel shouldn't affect bacteria. PraziPro does take a 2d ingredient, dipropylene glycol. I call back it's fairly inert but I'grand non sure.

Transparent poop is a generic symptom. It could be your fish aren't eating, aren't eating enough, or are shedding intestinal lining for some reason.

Information technology's still skilful to deworm with praziquantel and something for nematodes on a regular basis though.


  • Thread Starter
  • #18
My fish ate peas this early on morning ( not much at all) and regular pellets in the evening ... but 2 of them still had low-cal green poop ane hour after I fed them pellets in the evening ?! Their digestion system seems working and so slow ? Is this normal ?


I wouldn't worry most it at all. It should become processed inside 24 hours and you have Prime to detox it anyway.

Edit: I ever dose Prime with each h2o modify.

ok that comforted me . How come the hirakI company said don't use prime ?
Why isn't prime compatible? What water conditioner can you lot use?
No idea


  • Thread Starter
  • #xix
Just wanted to update everyone ammonia went back to 0 this early morning time el337 u r so right and experienced !!

Plus all fish had normal coloured poop only now ! I'd been watching them like a hawk lol

I dunno if the medication really worked then fast or the coincidence and the new fish only had stress not internal parasites I was worried ?


  • #xx
Just wanted to update anybody ammonia went back to 0 this early morning el337 u r so right and experienced !!

Plus all fish had normal coloured poop only now ! I'd been watching them similar a militarist lol

I dunno if the medication really worked and so fast or the coincidence and the new fish just had stress not internal parasites I was worried ?

Yaaaay so skilful to hear that! Did you lot ever figure out why prazipro and prime are incompatible?


  • #21
But wanted to update everyone ammonia went back to 0 this early morning el337 u r so correct and experienced !!

Plus all fish had normal coloured poop but now ! I'd been watching them like a hawk lol

I dunno if the medication really worked then fast or the coincidence and the new fish just had stress non internal parasites I was worried ?

Glad to know the ammonia zeroed out.

Maybe they weren't ill to begin with? Although I don't know how fast PraziPro works.


  • Thread Starter
  • #22
Yaaaay then good to hear that! Did you ever figure out why prazipro and prime number are incompatible?
I didn't figure out lol


Glad to know the ammonia zeroed out.

Maybe they weren't sick to begin with? Although I don't know how fast PraziPro works.

shouldnt exist then fast ? According to Customer service it tin can take 3 weeks ?

But ane of my fish stays on summit more than oftentimes today .. merely I have two stiff filters and a air pump. Water is good 0/0/five

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Will Prazipro Work If You Dont Remove Purigen Fro Filter,


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